
minutes (12/5/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 12/5/20

Time: 6:20 pm

Location: Online



  1. Ben Tyerman

  2. Kate Hilton-Balfe

  3. Maria Kravchenko

  4. Francesca Fiorentini

  5. Allen Drews

  6. Olivia Gleave-Donlan

  7. Amanda Ong


  1. Erica Chan

  2. Stephen Lau

  3. Jai Bhardwaj

  4. Ariyike Oyelola


ben: need to work out how to hand over and elect people

allen: how did it work last year?

ben: voted to have online elections, but that was gotten rid of last election, president was elected online but every other role is in person

fran: can choose if online or in person? unsure, but unprecedented times it is unlikely that it will be too strict

ben: who will be here next term?

[maria, allen, and amanda affirmed]

ben: first need to work out how to switch over, have asked the other association presidents but have not gotten a reply, there is an online assembly at some point

online elections the last time were through the dsu website, may do that again, not sure

maria: but presumably, best not to have it in a private call as it may be accused of being undemocratic

fran: online without even a hust might be best, maybe type out a hust cause not everyone is going to be able to do a recording, do a bog sheet (manifesto)

[break to discuss manifestos in different colleges]

ben: usually elections are held online, only vote in your own association

kate: should probably make clear about that fact

allen: who from the dsu do we have to contact?

ben: amelia? if not, we'll contact jon. could ask sam how it was done last year

allen: sam was president last year?

ben: yes they were. we’re in an unprecedented times we can just do it online, should not be any backlash

fran: at the most we could even elect standing positions and have an election later

kate: reps? maybe no reps until people elect them

ben: what are the exec positions

[listed following the constitution]

allen: is liv leaving? she has to transfer all the social media accounts

ben: how is welfare @maria

maria: last thing we posted was mental health campaign, left them my email and they responded which is good, not very active, might be a good idea to create new accounts next year because the current ones are not working

ben: agreed, mine is not working as well, have to make new accounts

kate: would we make them durham accounts?

maria: current ones are gmail

kate: gmail stopped working

ben: make new ones

amanda: need to update the emails on facebook

fran: yes, facebook, website, and business cards

allen: fran you have the financial details?

fran: yes, do not have access to the bank accounts, just issue refunds, will write a document for the replacement

[break to discuss finance]

ben: we have quite a lot left over to hand over to the next exec

ben: next thing, online elections will message sam and amelia to see what’s going on, will message the association group chat as well, have a liberation conference on zoom will discuss more about that when there are more details

[break to discuss conference]

ben: what can we do online? just what maria is doing

maria: yup, will get the email down

ben: yup

ben: general housekeeping?

kate: before we handover, we need to make a what is the role kinda thing

ben: yup will do that

kate: and try and publicize it a lot since now people have more time and will run for more things

kate: also is there anything we can do after exams? there was an online osbournes?

fran: yeah

ben: we can advertise an online exam

kate: something to celebrate end of exams


[liv joins]

ben: [recap of what we’ve discussed]

liv: did the SU have a vote for elections online?

ben: yes, and they got of rid of it

[break to discuss assembly]

ben: does anyone have anything else to mention?


[break to discuss haircuts]

ben: liv is there anything? have we had any facebook messages?

kate: someone asked us to share sth, we said we would but forgot

ben: forgot, but will share

kate: we can share it now

ben: does anyone know anyone who wants to run for the role?

fran: may know of one person but not sure

ben: ok, so we will do online elections

[break to discuss tea]

[end of meeting]