
minutes (22/02/22) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 22/02/22

Time: 7pm

Location: Online



  1. Mal

  2. Ash

  3. Alex

  4. Ainsleigh 

  5. Alicia 

  6. Nicol

  7. Grace

  8. Kirsty 

  9. Peter 

  10. Amanda 


  1. Keir

  2. Ellie

  3. Caity 


  1. Associations Week

  2. Law EDI Movie Screening

  3. Study from department of sociology 



  • Jonah is organizing an associations week, which is a week to showcase all of all the different associations 

  • the LGBT+ association has been given the 7th march, Monday, for our showcase 

  • there is a list on chat which is a checklist of what we need for the event

  • we will need a spotify playlist and purple radio will be doing some things 

  • Grace will be happy to help out with the playlist 

  • Ainsleigh has placed a song request option on instagram, we have gotten quite a few answers that we can use

  • Peter also mentioned that a alliance has a playlist that runs for 36hrs

  • there will be an instagram takeover, so they want the associations to do a one minute video of what we do and why the association is important, the video can contain Mal, any of the exec, or a collection of all of us

  • the deadline for this was technically tonight, but the deadline Mal was told by Jonah is 1st march

  • we will need a lot of photos to make videos

  • if anyone has any pics of association events please send it in, but if the pictures include faces of others, we would need to get their consent beforehand 

  • Mal would also prefer not to speak for the whole minute so we will be doing a volunteer sheet of who is comfortable talking for a few seconds on video

  • if as many people as are comfortable talk about why they joined the assoc, why it is impt, etc 

  • Amanda to circulate something people can jot their name down on

  • Grace is happy to do the speaking for the video, if someone has some notes on what to say that would help 

  • Mal will do one as an example 

  • need a statement which Mal is working on 

  • we need to put on an event, what do we want our event to be (e.g. social)

  • Mal was thinking that can do a night out on osbournes, but appreciates that this is very last minute for the social secs to come up with something

  • the social will be for Alicia and Grace to organize and discuss together, but as it it short notice, anyone willing to help out it will be appreciated 


  • law EDI department is doing a movie screening with a movie about two gay lawyers for LGBT+ month

  • they have asked us to help advertise

  • everyone seems happy to help with advertisement

  • they have already made a poster and sent it to us, Amanda to send the poster to Ainsleigh to post


  • department of sociology has emailed us about wanted a focus group of LGBT+ people

  • collectively decided that we will reject their request as a general rule of not advertising studies


South College Update

  • Jonah has let the associations president know that regarding the south college incident, they (we are currently unclear who is they refers to) are going to look at the joint statement that was written by the various presidents of the associations last term and they will compare with what they want and requested and feedback to SU, it does look like we might get some progress about the point made about transparency