
minutes (22/6/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 22/6/20

Time: 11am

Location: Online



  1. Ben Tyerman

  2. Kate Hilton-Balfe

  3. Maria Kravchenko

  4. Stephen Lau

  5. Erica Chan

  6. Allen Drews

  7. Ariyike Oyelola

  8. Jonah Graham

  9. Fliss Barrows

  10. Megan Hogg 

  11. Amy Rees

  12. Scott McCarter 

  13. Peter Kissack

  14. Anne Sim

  15. Freddy Sperring

  16. Amanda Ong


  1. Olivia Gleave-Donlan

  2. Francesca Fiorentini

  3. Jai Bhardwaj


ben: handover meeting, who here doesn’t have the person that is succeeding them? 

[scott, megan, and fliss] 

amanda: this is just a general handover meeting, does anyone have any questions?

fliss: does anyone know who to send out the emails to for the parenting scheme? 

[unsure, to message kate]

jonah: when do we actually take over? 

amanda: officially after this meeting

jonah: a bit anticlimactic

ben: do you have any questions jonah? 

jonah: want to find a way to talk to the colleges

ariyike: i think kate made a group chat with the lgbt reps, so that will be a good place to start

ben: in terms of the exec, have you guys thought how things might run in the first term?

jonah: probably organize a meeting with a list of what we want to do

allen: we have to transfer the admin and facebook over, ben is the admin so you have to transfer over

ben: ok will do it, instagram can’t remember the password, but will try to find

amanda: is the president’s email still working?

ben: nope

amanda: okay, whoever takes over please change the email on facebook

jonah: will do

jonah: is there anything you want us to finish on? there was a welfare campaign

ben: yup, the mental health campaign and gn toilets

ariyike: there was a map made but there was an issue with anonymity, there was an initial writing for a petition and i emailed the staff lgbt rep but they never emailed back. allen said they know who it is and they do not reply to their email, so have to send to a separate email

allen: should we do an official farewell video? to say goodbye

jonah: can you sing us a song? 

allen: maybe a facebook post as well? 

fliss: a speech 

[ben gives a short speech]

ben: thanks so much, everyone has been a really good exec, sorry for being so scattered brain but thanks. you’ve all been really great. had great campaigns, socials, welfare, and great times. hope you guys have had fun and that it looks good on your cv

[end of speech]

amanda: also, another thing is i will be sending out the weekly email soon, does anyone want to include anything like a farewell speech or something because it’s pretty bare right now

ben: i will write a speech `

maria: will be good to add a helpline or sources

ariyike: some online lgbt events

maria: i’ve run some game events, so if you want some advice on how to do them over summer just message me

erica: also for campaigns if i wanna set up a team, if we could do an open zoom call to ask if they are interested so that they know that is happening

jonah: do we have to do a motion for that

amanda: do not think so, execs can create their own committees will check. also @erica, if you send the form to me i’ll attach it to the email

erica: okay

jonah: new exec to organize a new meeting in like a week’s time?


ben: old exec make sure you talk to the new exec, chat about the role and give some tips

manada: next on the agenda is the east asian queer history talk. currently the plan is there will be a 45 min talk, pre recorded, live q&a a few days after the event. time not confirmed as the person is having delays in recording due to being back home

jonah: is the talk audio or is there video as well? 

amanda: i think there will be video as they have some sort of notes, but will double check

ben: it’s been genuinely so lovely this year, and it’s been cut short, but i hope you guys have fun next year. hopefully we can have the lgbt fashion show

jonah: separate committee?

ben: yeah, amber was supposed to run it. but now we have a new committee that is under our jurisdiction.

jonah: who is incharge at the moment

ben: robin

fliss: try and get it to happen

jonah: if not, we can try to get something at a smaller scale

ben: jonah probably will be talking to the new welfare liberation, so euan. working with him and the other associations, try and keep in close contact with them

amanda: do we usually hold events over the summer

fliss: we did some last year

erica: we had board games and stuff and swada

maria: it will probably be easier to do it online, paid but not ridiculously expensive. if that is something you guys want to do then message me

amy: what campaigns did you run this year? 

stephen: mostly we did lgbt history month, mental health campaign, but hopefully we can continue that next year, but have to contact maria with the details as we wanted to collaborate with a few local organizations. for the gender neutral bathrooms, i don’t think we did it successfully. we made a map but i don’t think they carried forward that we would have GNB in every single college. but i’m not sure

ariyike: we has a list of which college had them and we emailed the welfare liberation and university staff but they didn’t really say anything

stephen: no responses as well. and i think we also did a few other campaigns, but cannot remember

[kate joins]

kate: so for the handover, we just need to do a document with passwords and everything right?


jonah: it’s been a privilege working after you guys!

[meeting ended]