Ben: TGM soon! Plan that some time this week. Calls for motions.
Fran: No finance stuff. No new refunds. Need to get leaflets refunded.
Allen: Met with Stephen earlier – current campaigns:
- Anti-racism, DPoCA
o They want us to give them ideas
o They will put up pics of poc lgbt+ students
o Experiences in Durham of lgbt+ poc
o Anonymous/Not is chill
o PoC in lgbt+ history
o Ask trans association about posters
o Want a panel/talks
§ Professor Santiago Hernandes??? (queer Spanish films)
§ Anthropology society – Uganda (during history month)
§ Tim Bucklet?? LGBT+ staff network, library, some role in bullying and harassment support, what is the uni doing about that? – Q&A open panel
§ External speaker – Northumbria uni/ Newcastle, we can pay for them
§ Sam is running a liberate my library campaign to get work and literature by underrepresented groups, ask Sam about talking on the panel
- Mental health, SWDA
o Maria is in contact with SWDA
o More to come next week
- International queer students campaign, including postgrads, later in the year
Stevo is lgbt+ formal 28th feb
Marys wants to do something with people of faith
Collab more with colleges in feb
CU is having a potentially controversial speaker – go and ask questions
Controversy break
Union is having a terf event
Wednesday – board games night, maybe ask board games society
Next week: no plans, maybe get a postgrad coffee morning, sat 1st 10.30am-12.30?, if no room then next week
Valentines card making, 9th feb
Speed friending during liberation week (afternoon/before osbournes) x2
Karaoke – Monday in feb
Open mic in w/c 10th feb – might need auditions