
February 15, 2021 

Minutes (15/02/21)



1.     Erica

2.     Jonah

3.     Fliss

4.     Allen

5.     Freddy

6.     Anne

7.     Amy

8.     Megan


1.     Amanda (tut tut) 

2.     Megan 

3.     Scott




·       Meeting with Ewan Swift (welfare and liberation officer) and mature student who was the victim of a homophobic incident to discuss prevention, active bystandership was put forward as the clearest answer. 

·       College Reps meeting- lower turnout and lower energy than expected but no outstanding issues apart from the idea of an album swap, to be discussed next meeting.  



·       Welfare Report Project- Must seal the envelopes as had ordered origami paper online which took a while to arrive, looking to share them next week. 


·       Sent in AKT talk guest list to the SU. Wanted to ask Megan/Freddy about who puts up socials. Megan does it. 

·       Charity fundraiser update- have broken the £500 to get £514. Asked if they should announce they have met the target on the post. Will keep fundraising with a new post with a new target of £750. Freddy suggested linking it to the murder mystery by charging a fee. 


·       Coffee social is going well moved to Gathertown. Will make sure the link is kept to private spaces. 

·       Adoption station has reached 16 signups.


·       Socials going on as normal with strong turnout especially the Quiz with 20 p’s coming. 

·       However, games night social was less well attended because was moved from 8 to 7, will move it back to 8pm. 

·       D and D- 12 people currently involved and having fun. There are two sessions and no more space but two sessions should be enough. 



Murder Mystery

·       On the 27th, will be ticketed. Will use professional ticket price most likely to be Eventbrite.

·       After a discussion decided to charge £5 per ticket (Freddy question if we should do £3 but group consensus dictated 5.) 

·       Freddy asked if it was alright to spend money on an online murder mystery. Group wants to use £39 for a drag themed one. 

·       Allen recounted the budget- Allen- Balance 873.22. Fliss is owed £218, Jonah is owed £50 so have just over £500.

·       Freddy- Have not spent much money before. Reusable value is not too much but can make it an annual event. Jonah suggested doing this for Halloween each year. 

·       Vote to in favour unanimously to spend 39.95 on a drag queen murder mystery. 

Film Night

·       19th- Voting to decide the film on the discord server. Freddy urged the exec to vote as well between Imitation game, Carol, Danish Girl. Hopes it will be well attended. 

Weakest Link Social 

·       Jonah explained what weakest link is to Allen. 

·       Amy’s uncle had been on and won it. 

·       General discussion about how we can run an online event. 

Exec Social 

·       Freddy- waiting for Amanda to be in the country.

·        Anne realised she had not filled out the form so will do it. 

·       Fliss urged the group to do it on a Saturday evening and the group agreed. everyone except has filled out the google form. 

Social with Classical Film Society 

·       Jonah suggested doing a history month collaboration to show an old Hollywood film with a LGBT+ following such as All About Eve.

·       Jonah will ask the group classical film society.

Cabaret Show 

·       Jonah mentioned his plan for a charity funraiser to the current fashion show exec. They did not seem very enthused so he plans on discussing it with Durham Student Theatre (DST) to work out the best way to do this. 

·       Will work on this over the next holiday. 

Potential History Month Talk- 

·       Jonah’s meeting with Katie Brun lead to the idea that she could come to the association to give a talk about her life 

·       Allen suggested the last day of history month but Erica pointed out the schedule was packed during this time with the EDI have stonewall event on 25th, then sociology on the 26th, the AKT talk on the 22nd and Murder Mystery is on the 27th.

·       Allen- suggested first of March and Jonah will email Katie. 


Any Other Business?

List for Amanda and the email. 

·       Welfare

·       Tickets are going to become available for the Murder Mystery. We will decide how they can be sold before sending out the email. (Event is 8pm in 27th) 

·       Fundraiser news of raising £514 and the new target of £750. 

·       The DPOCA night out event/talk on Wednesday  

·       EDI and Sociology events. 

·       AKT talk. 

·       Radio Show.