
minutes (31/8/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 31/8/20

Time: 11am

Location: Online




  1. Jonah Graham

  2. Allen Drews

  3. Erica Chan

  4. Peter Kissack

  5. Megan Hogg

  6. Anne Sim

  7. Fliss Barrows

  8. Amanda Ong


  1. Freddy Sperring

  2. Scott McCarter 

  3. Amy Rees



Vice President (UG)

  • went to the democratization meeting

  • meeting was lead by students with staff in the chat


  • Jonah has started doing the application and has made a list of the items that needs to be sent in

  • need to pick five photos as well as sed the video in

  • will probably be done in a weeks time


  • Jonah will sign up for the health assessment training


  • to be completed by the end of the week

  • exec to add in their goals in the annual plan


  • looking to do a survey for people to write about their own experiences

  • to refer to the template of a BAME LGBT+ survey from the previous year

  • Amanda to check back with Erica on privacy policy after GDPR training


  • Amanda to check in every Friday if the exec wishes to have a meeting next week so that more people may have time to respond


  • Megan trying to buy books and asking people what they want to read


  • to close sign ups a fortnight into term 

  • to have a second sign up



  • tentatively aiming to throw a ball, COVID-19 permitting

  • to have gender neutral dress codes

Association Collaboration

  • plans to collaborate between associations to share plans with each other

  • tentative and depending on situation


  • to be sorted by start of term


minutes (17/8/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 17/8/20

Time: 11am

Location: Online



  1. Jonah Graham

  2. Allen Drews

  3. Fliss Barrows

  4. Erica Chan

  5. Amy Rees

  6. Peter Kissack

  7. Amanda Ong


  1. Megan Hogg

  2. Anne Sim

  3. Freddy Sperring

  4. Scott McCarter




  • have completed the thing for DPOCA

Vice President (UG)

  • group chat for freshers is progressing well

  • have not advertised the parenting scheme on the group chat but will do by today

  • parenting scheme: 76 people have signed up for UG, 5 for PG (both children and parents)

  • plan to do a second release of the parenting scheme mid-term so more people have the opportunities to sign up

VIce President (PG)

  • attended the meeting with the vice chancellor on wednesday

  • working on a guide for freshers and freps with Jonah (president) and Amy (assistant welfare officer)

Welfare Officer

  • have new twitter accounts for Non-Binary, Aro/Ace, and BIMo


  • have been osting the intersectionality campaign on facebook, but not twitter, will catch the twitter up with facebook

  • receiving feedback from the DPOCA media and communications officer


  • exec members (welfare, campaigns, social, and the vice pres especially) to fill in one item for the annual plan

  • health and safety management training is to be completed by Jonah

  • GDPR training to be completed by Amanda (steering)


Fashion show

  • plans unsure and COVID-19 depending

  • to ensure that Scott (finance) is in the group chat

Email regarding Black History Month

  • plans to be confirmed; tentative proposals: posts that are spread out through the month, a social to raise money

Meet the Exec

  • to be posted at a later date


minutes (04/08/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 4/8/20

Time: 11am

Location: Online



  1. Jonah Graham

  2. Allen Drews

  3. Fliss Barrows

  4. Erica Chan

  5. Amy Rees

  6. Scott McCarter 

  7. Peter Kissack

  8. Anne Sim

  9. Freddy Sperring

  10. Megan Hogg 

  11. Scott McCarter 

  12. Amanda Ong



  • google document will be created for the exec to fill in the details of their order

  • tbc if the money for the jumpers will come out of the budget


  • welfare officers have been speaking to the college reps as well as most of the LGBT+ college reps 

  • have been asked if the association can provide welfare training

  • the association cannot, but we can give advice to the freps about how to create a safer environment for LGBT+ people

  • Peter, Amy, Jonah, and Allen are working to create a document on this

  • an infographic will also be created

  • the date of completion is not set


  • to create an advert for all the associations for the freshers

  • pending approval from the rest of the associations

  • parenting scheme advert to be included as well


  • the association is unlikely to sign the campaign as a whole, but individual exec members may sign if they wish, but their signature will not be representative of the association

  • the association may prepare a statement


  • Peter has started a group chat with himself (ace/aro rep), Amy, Freddy (non-binary representative), Jay Smith (tentatively representing bi-mo)

  • will feedback to the association if they have any plans

  • Peter has plans for ace week

  • videos: volunteers from uni community to answer questions or respond to some prompts and put it together in a video

  • will put things on the ace media

  • will include the option for people to send written anonymous things for Peter to read out so they don’t have to show their face and gives them options as well

  • planned for the second or third week of michaelmas

  • will run this plan past the a-alliance on their meeting on wednesday

  • bi week is the week before freshers, Peter will ask Jay if they want to do that, or one of the exec may also plan it


  • original plan to have it in teams, but there was a lack of people so it was done individually

  • overall was fun and done well

  • might shift the time earlier at around 3pm instead


  • this week will not have a social as there is a lack of time


  • to hold off posting it


  • Scott had finance training last week

  • the £500 grant for associations is unclear this year, will update when the situation is resolved 

  • Scott currently has access to the app, the association has £873 balance from last year

  • one more person has to register into the app


  • there has been a confusion with the constitutions, the DSU has a different copy than what is available on the association’s website

  • Amanda to message the previous steering officer about this and see if he knows anything

  • if he does not know anything, will email the DSU about it


Trans Association

  • the trans association currently does not have an elected exec, one of the LGBT+ association’s exec will reach out to them if they need help for aything


minutes (13/7/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 13/7/20

Time: 11am

Location: Online



  1. Jonah Graham

  2. Allen Drews

  3. Fliss Barrows

  4. Erica Chan

  5. Amy Rees

  6. Scott McCarter 

  7. Peter Kissack

  8. Anne Sim

  9. Freddy Sperring

  10. Megan Hogg 

  11. Amanda Ong


  1. Scott McCarter 



jonah (president)

  • plan to finish the meet the exec video soon

  • to speak with fliss about connecting with the college reps

megan (publicity)

  • website update: doing the graphics

  • currently doing graphics for welfare post as well

  • if any exec wants graphics done to be directed to megan

  • instagram is going well, trying to figure out how to grow a following

  • to post the exec details on the website, will send form into the chat later and exec to fill them out

peter and amy (welfare) 

  • have had welfare training

  • there is a mental health training course on DUO for anyone who wants to take it

  • still making the list of the helplines and will run it through before it is sent out


  • exact time to do tbc, but will be done around sept with the incoming freshers


  • going forward, chat available on facebook messaging

  • SWDA has joined, but DPOCA has not confirmed

  • gabriel (who reached out about purple radio talk) has been given the association’s email, amanda to check


  • to confirm plans, want to get the association to buy a copy of book that book club will be reading

  • to liase with sam or tim from the liberate my library scheme to see if they can get the association the titles 


  • non-binary day is the 14th, Freddy has made a post on canva that can go up on the day

  • Freddy to have a zoom call with the other non-binary people, casual meeting

  • to confirm with the people in the non-binary chat if they want to open the call up to others


  • to have another social after around the week of the 22nd

  • planning to do some sort of kahoot: a more gay kahoot and then a more general kahoot

  • could open it up to everyone, even allies, to get a bigger turnout. 


  • to make a post on freshers page to introduce and advertise the association

  • to collaborate with the other associations to try and get a pamphlet with a list of all the associations into the freshers welcome pack

  • to try and advertise the rest of the associations on the lgbt association facebook as well (will ask the other associations if they want to and what they would like the lgbt association to say)

  • to try and make a spreadsheet of what the association plans to do over the supper


  • 9 people have signed up

  • had the meeting to discuss what the campaigns are and which ones the members want to work more on

  • when everyone’s interest is received, the committee will make smaller groups on fb messenger for each campaign

  • if any exec member wants to be involved in a specific campaign they are to inform erica or anne so that they can be added into the appropriate chat 

  • will try to start the anti-racism / intersectionality thing when the group chats are sorted 

  • will try to contact the poc group 

  • relating to separate media accounts for the campaigns committee

  • they will make one general post on facebook for a ‘meet the campaigns committee’ (so as not to confuse everyone)

  • to be given access and run the twitter account 

  • no new accounts are to be made to avoid confusion

  • amy can get in touch with someone to advertise campaigns, to send erica and anne the details 



  • cannot advertise directly to the freshers as they haven’t gotten back their results

  • messaging amelia and getting all the association to advertise in the freshers pack, would also try to advertise parenting scheme there


  • to put a poll in the exec group chat and people can vote for their favorite colors there


  • advertisement of the talk and q&a to be posted today on facebook, Freddy has created a graphic

  • talk itself to be posted today as well

  • q&a to be hosted on wednesday, to ask k to come 10-15 mins earlier so as to have adequate time to ensure everything is running smoothly

[end of meeting]

minutes 06/07/20

minutes (6/7/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 6/7/20

Time: 11am

Location: Online



  1. Jonah Graham

  2. Allen Drews

  3. Fliss Barrows

  4. Erica Chan

  5. Amy Rees

  6. Scott McCarter 

  7. Peter Kissack

  8. Anne Sim

  9. Freddy Sperring

  10. Amanda Ong


  1. Megan Hogg 




  • to confirm with euan swift about emails

  • ben made jonah a facebook admin

  • exec agreed to not endorse candidates for any elections

  • posted the tab article


  • used to money from the pot last year, tbc for this year 

  • colors were discussed: vetoed orange, yellow, light blue, white, and black

  • possibly a light purple

  • fliss to create a google docs with certain colors and the Exec will vote on it


  • was a fun social, the person who was running it was emerson

  • they did games that worked quite well

  • raised quite a bit of money £160


  • fliss has just received their handover notes that morning so they did not have time to get a list yet

  • they will contact the reps within the next week and will try to make another group chat

  • decided that if fliss cannot get in contact with them someone else can help out as well


  • this week will be the netflix party for disclosure at 6pm on the 11th, Saturday

  • the details for the watch party are to be sent and advertised on facebook

  • plans to have socials once a week

  • next week’s social event is planned to be the east asian queer history talk and q&a

  • Freddy has also planned kahoot, jeopardy game, murder mystery, and other socials that can be spaced out during the summer

  • Freddy has also created a canva account that the exec can access (link was sent to the exec group chat) and they have uploaded posters to the account

  • any posts for events can now be uploaded to canva so everyone from the exec can access it


  • more people have now signed up for the committee

  • the post advertising the committee has been pinned to the top of the facebook page so more people can see it

  • plan is that the committee will start with ongoing campaigns, but if any members have suggestions for new projects they will also be working on that


  • currently, there are welfare wednesdays where welfare will post either encouraging posts or resources to help with isolation and covid

  • also compiling a bunch of charity and helplines


  • k has replied to us and the plan currently is to post the talk on monday and have the q&a later in the week

  • this will act as the upcoming week’s social

  • to ask k about whether he would prefer having a recorded q&a like the lecture itself, a live q&a, or a written reply q&a

  • may have a time limit for the q&a, also should have moderation to prevent heckling


  • tabled for next week as megan is not present


  • would be helpful for the freshers

  • need to order and design them

  • fliss will order to flyers to their house

  • the previous leaflets had all the contacts and on the back had lgbt terminology, which could be nice to replicate


  • welfare is aiming to create a welfare handbook about what they can provide and what they can’t

  • to be published to facebook

  • will contain what welfare can offer them and signposts to other resources for where they cannot provide assistance


  • training for scott has not occurred yet, therefore he does not have access to the finance accounts

  • however, we do still have leftovers from the previous year that we can use


minutes (29/6/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 29/6/20

Time: 11am

Location: Online



  1. Jonah Graham

  2. Allen Drews

  3. Fliss Barrows

  4. Erica Chan

  5. Megan Hogg 

  6. Amy Rees

  7. Scott McCarter 

  8. Peter Kissack

  9. Anne Sim

  10. Freddy Sperring

  11. Amanda Ong


amanda: first order of business, plans?

jonah: how we should operate this year, the more cooperative it is the better. e.g. if socials wants to host a campaign, ask campaigns, etc. don’t want people to feel like they are limited to their role - minus welfare because there’s a special category for that. also, if you need help ask me, allen, or fliss. gonna try to get everyone to be editors on the page from ben. don’t know who is going to be responsible for answering messages, but whoever does please put your name and title at the bottom just to know who responded. for plans, i will try to talk to ben and i have a list of qn to ask him, if you want me to just message me. plans: need to get handover done, by the end of this week try and talk to your handover person so we can get that done. also doing the article for the tab and need to speak to campaigns and social about what we're doing to celebrate pride because we haven’t done much due to the elections. i also wanna help you guys do what you want to do

fliss: doing the parenting system. kinda want to bring it back on the agenda, but i have some ideas about the parenting system. also in charge of sorting out the fashion show, but who knows because of the situation currently. i have some ideas about where we’re going with that, but i think a fashion show will be fun, but if we did a ball or a cabaret those will be good as well, but 

allen: fliss if you need help with the parenting scheme i will be happy to help. also want to help with the GNB because i’m in contact with the lgbt staff network, was corresponding with tim. also sam was promoting the liberate my library scheme, we can help with that.

amy: me and peter have been talking about the plans for welfare, peter?

peter: just a few various things, but it’s on the agenda.

scott: had a casual handover with fran, because of the way it works, i need to do a workshop before i can have access, at the minute there’s nothing much i can do, but i will update you guys. 

fliss: it’s usually on the exec webpage and they will upload when the seminar will happen

amanda: next point of the agenda is outreach and colleges

jonah: the colleges are hesitant to get involved, so i was wondering if fliss can get in touch with them

fliss: will get a list of the previous reps so we will know who the new one is

jonah: are the college reps working with the association? or are they separate?

allen: they’re separate

amanda: yup, not under our jurisdiction or anything

allen: what colleges do we have represented?

[mildret, hill bede, ustinov, cuth’s, collingwood, trevs]

fliss: maybe we can have more informal ties to the college rep to ease tensions

megan: maybe someone should turn up to their events instead


jonah: anyone from hatfield?


fliss: if anyone knows any reps can you message me? be it current or next. 

jonah: they might be on the college page

peter: amy and i were saying the best way to contact them is individually

jonah: we’ll just have to make friends with them.

peter: it would be more productive for everyone if we had a better connection 

jonah: maybe one of us can go to the hatfield event as well. 

amanda: summer campaigns?

erica: first, we were gonna try to do the campaigns committee. sent the email to get people on the committee. we have different campaigns planned. what we have from last year is the GNB and the mental health campaigns. but the mental health was supposed to be an exams time thing so we can keep those till next exam season. anne and i wanted to introduce the gender neutral dress code. we also have some ideas for the post that you guys want to put up; microaggression, racialized dating preferences, etc. and maybe also the importance of queer poc spaces, why we need intersectionality, and focuses on certain poc groups

allen: what do you mean by the gender neutral dress code? also we also have the racism survey from last year, we could repeat that to get more answers

[anne to address allen’s question, but there were microphone issues so we proceeded on with the meeting first]

erica: plans for the committee, we probs won’t have a screening process because we don’t know how many people will sign up, we’lll leave it open for a week then create a facebook group, do a zoom call to introduce the campaigns, depends on how many people we can. from there we will split into the different groups within the committee and focus on working with them. for the anti-racism post, we can post like one a week to spread it out

amy: was just wondering, maria was saying it might be good to get the other associations to read our posts, so maybe we can get in touch with the poc group

jonah: i feel that we should do a welfare campaign about isolation, loneliness, and for those living in homophobic environments

erica: good idea, slightly unrelated, by campaigns last year wasn’t super well publicized, so we were thinking if we should make dedicated accounts like twitter to boost it, esp because if we have a campaigns committee, it might be easier for them to have an account as well

jonah: we shouldn’t have too many accounts

fliss: we should def have the insta account more active, from my exp alot of the younger generation doesn’t use facebook

erica: do we even have the password?

jonah: get megan to ask liv

allen: might just have to create new accounts

amanda: next point on the agenda, we’ll move fliss’s point up as they have to leave at noon. fliss you wanted to talk about the parenting scheme?

fliss: want to post on the pre-fresh pages, not even to have the sign ups but to make people aware, the thing with the system is there are always more parents than children, so we need to get it out to the freshers. also have to get to the college people to see if they have anything that they send to the freshers. as far as the actual system, will just do the same thing with the form. if anyone has anything specific things to include i’m happy to include

freddy: i did do some research on the facebook group for freshers, they don’t seem to make new groups, they just seem to change the name of old groups. posts might not reach the intended audience well

jonah: want to find a way, there is a durham signpost, but no one reads it

fliss: we need to post stuff on insta

jonah: if we can get college execs to send it

fliss: trying to work on that

megan: when i have access to the instagram we can send it there, especially since college groups are more active on instagram now

peter: a lot of colleges are responsive on the instagram

freddy: especially because a lot of people don’t have their families on instagram

peter: and instagram is more anonymous 

jonah: @megan have you talked to liv?

megan: will message her about passwords

peter: one more point about parenting is that maria said welfare should be involved, there are a lot of inappropriate responses we need to sort through

fliss: absolutely

peter: also helps to weed people out 


jonah: just to go back to an earlier point, are campaigns not vetting the committee?

erica: nope, we want to gauge responses 

jonah: could you do a questionnaire?

anne: we’ve done a google form that has basic what are your skills etc. 

amy: people might have prev experiences as well

anne and erica: yup we’ve included

jonah: back to parenting @fliss has kate given you the stuff?

fliss: nope, but they said they would send it in

jonah: parenting social?

fliss: we could do a picnic or something, depending on the situation

jonah: worry that people will not sign up

fliss: people probably will because they want to meet other gay people

freddy: i’ve had some back-up ideas, if we have to do it on zoom. in my college we have a murder mystery night, you start in a big group then split into chat groups, then we can have a small murder mystery game

jonah: sounds like a really good idea

freddy: the picnic sounds good, but this is just in case. we could also just do it as a social for fun if we don’t use it for parenting


amanda: next point on the agenda, megan you mentioned wanting to discuss next term’s possibilities 

megan: want to figure out what we’re going to do if we have to be online. kinda want to work on trying to get some of the campaigns post sorted for the new term

jonah: do you want to say what we will be doing?

megan: maybe, but basically we just need a backup plan

jonah: yup sounds good, we’ll just whenever someone comes up with a plan, we’ll just have a backup plan for online as well

erica: if you need, we can discuss as well

megan: if anyone knows who runs the separate group chats as well. don’t really know how to publicize them as well

freddy: when i’ve done for the non-binary chat, i’ve had a post that just tells the people to like the post or if they’re not out then to message me personally

amy: quick question, there are different facebook pages on facebook for like the smaller minority groups


peter: we can do a pinned post of the different facebook pages

allen: currently our pinned post is safe se supplies, but we can unpin that and pin that one instead

amanda: i can also send it in the email

peter: and we can put it on the instagram as well

freddy: for the minority reps, it’s really just me and peter

peter: yeah, will try and get something more official done because it’s supposed to be under welfare. there are a few not run because there is no one in the position

erica: there is a bi and multi oren page, but no one is running it

peter: yup, will try and get the password from the admin 

jonah: we can also do a post and state if there is anything we’ve missed 

megan: would it be good to do one for colleges as well?

amy: yup, but message the colleges indiv first

megan: okay, will do one will colleges and one with caucasus

amanda: next agenda point – finance message?

scott: received the message and fran said last year they had a general principle of not advertising anything that wasn’t by them or colleges just in case. not sure how we would like to approach it this year. someone messaged to set up a recruitment for lgbt people

allen: durham specific?

scott: recruitment people has advertised to a few unis

allen: personally think they should advertise and we shouldn’t advertise for them as an association as we may end up advertising something problematic if we continually advertise for everyone

jonah: might just do a one off post?

freddy: maybe the colleges should advertise and not us

amy: have they got a load of opportunities for lgbt people or are we just advertising their recruiting committee?

erica: if we want to do this, we should go to the direct recruitment person

amanda: don’t think we should advertise, i’ve received an email about lgbt recruitment in my personal email, but in was sent from my department and not an association, it should be left to the school to advertise

jonah: perhaps at the end of the term we can do a recruitment post, with no advertisement

allen: because if we advertise this now, it might create a flood

jonah: yup, we don’t want to start a spam

peter: yeah and we might end up publicizing something that is not great as well

jonah: yup, we can just write back and say it’s not our policy to not advertise

amanda: great, next point – welfare over the summer

peter: amy and i have chatted, we want to make a booklet about welfare to put on the website. the welfare page as well, once we’ve had more of a chat we’ll update that cause there’s not much there. minorities within minorities, been working on a questionnaire which has like a list of all the reps, how we can represent them, etc. but it’s unlikely people will want to answer it over the summer, so maybe michaelmas. the bi mul page will try to get in contact with them. over the summer there is a welfare issue of people being in isolation. one thing i thought of is there is an expectation of online events that welfare should be at events to approach us and talk to us. but it is difficult to do that over a zoom call

allen: can message privately?

jonah: events are not really a space for in depth chats as well

peter: it’s also just in case if people have issues during the event. we thought of having a separate call link so that people can join as well

amy: people just messages us as well might be good

megan: the private messages might be better so that people don’t actually have to leave the call

peter: issue of people accidentally messaging everyone

amy: we can just have our emails open instead then?

peter: sounds good, as long as there's a way to reach us. also to be on the facebook page to respond to messages

megan: @welfare back to an earlier point: the booklet, would you like me to help?

peter: we would like to be in charge of the contents

megan: how about the making of the booklet?

amy & peter: that would be great, thank you

peter: we also have some ideas about social media and stuff but that depends on @megan your plans

amy: general question, peter and i have looked at different days that are specifically linked to lgbt people and even not, it might be a good idea to create a post or getting in touch with someone who will be posting on that day and share their post. looking at our facebook account last year there wasn’t much and i’m not sure if it was spam or something else

allen: it was mostly because liv was busy

jonah: might be good to do a fundraiser during those days as well, just a link to a fundraiser

megan: might be good to collaborate with the other associations as well

erica: does anyone know if there is a calendar out there with these dates? if there is one out there or if we can make a calendar?

peter: we’ve got a calendar with the lgbt+ specific dates

erica: could you share with us?

peter: yup sure

amy: i also have a list of some dates we can combine

scott: one thing we could potentially do is we can work with the other minority groups and share their events as well


erica: there is an itner association collaboration group, but in the case that they create a new group, whoever enters the group please let everyone else know because last year i didn’t know until next term

allen: there is already a group, amelia created one

[peter invited erica into the group]

amanda: another thing on this note is that usually at the end of emails i have a welfare link, i’ll send it into the group if anyone wants to add to the links


amanda: next thing is summer socials?

freddy: i have a few ideas. wanted to do a kahoot game, we can do teams or indiv. we could do a pub quiz style

jonah: we could do one for pride like lgbt history or culture

freddy: was gonna do an lgbt one, but could do a funny one. also wanted to do something with fancy dress, get everyone to come on the call in fancy dress, but not sure how popular that will be

megan: we can do the quiz first, then from there gauge interest

freddy: yup

jonah: prizes?

freddy: might not be feasible.

peter: esp with address

freddy: maybe send them a pride flag

amanda: might not be feasible with people living at home

erica: maybe a voucher

amanda: an online voucher sounds good

peter: there could be an issue with data protection with sending addresses

freddy: not really a social but the book club is running over the summer

peter: if we’re doing games, are we gonna create a discord server?

freddy: that was what i was thinking as well, discord will be easier for online games

jonah: maria did online games, can ask her


amy: might be good to have the association emails on the facebook page as well


amanda: also @freddy, i want to include the socials into the email, do you have specific socials or is it okay if i just write a general statement for the email?

freddy: a kahoot social next week? is easy to set up, we can do it over zoom

amanda: okay, will mention in the email we’re gonna do a kahoot and direct them to our page

jonah: for the tab article they’re asking how we’re celebrating pride, esp socials

megan: we can say the kahoot game 

freddy: we can have a serious one about history and a fun one about culture

erica: the only thing with kahoot is that with a free account there is a limit with the number of people. we can create a free account and then cancel it after.

freddy: okay will do that

jonah: if it’s gonna be a constant thing it might be good to invest in it

freddy: will look into it. also, last year we did the speed friending, but not sure how to do it this year. last year we had a put in your favourite album and we matched people based on that, we can do something like that

peter: we can do the speed friending using breakout groups and change the groups out so as to not put people in the same groups

jonah: worried about carrying out zoom call

peter: if it’s a few people it should be fine

megan: a lot of this will be trial and error

freddy: we can have a meeting within ourselves to try it out. also we can do a scavenger hunt, where people have to run and grab it and bring it back to the camera

jonah: we can even do that in durham because that will be easy to social distance

freddy: sounds good

peter: also for summer socials, last year maria did things in collab with students with disabilities, we can do things with other associations as well. 

freddy: we will have to see which one will be good for over summer and which to save for when term starts. like speed friending

jonah: speed friending can be saved. we also need a social to intro freshers

freddy: we could get a big room

erica: might not be possible

amy: depending on the rules that will be in place at the time

[break to discuss social distancing rules]

jonah: makes sense to do a social somewhere they’re already doing social distancing measures

freddy: will have to be very careful, a lot of pubs are having zero tolerance

jonah: might have a situation where people either go to anything because there’s not much on or no one goes to anything

amy: might be a good idea to have a mix of online and not online events to cater to various people

jonah: if everyone can think of an events like the scavenger hunt 

freddy: also if anyone can come up with ideas for a zoom call besides quizzes

jonah: we can do films or something

peter: make sure to offer a variety

allen: had a dinner party thing. people would cook various dishes and bring it over. we can do a zoom version of a cooking call 

amanda: sounds good, like a cooking or baking call

jonah: we can do like easy cooking

amanda: anti racism 

freddy: have discussed already, will be posting about intersectionality, etc

jonah: will be good to have specific posts, can share the bias testing as well 

anne: can share a resource of petitions and donations. have got a few ideas already

jonah: at some point will want to interview lgbt poc and put what they say online. need to find ways to lend our platform to bme voices

amy: can work with DPOCA as well

anne: there was an article written, we can do something like that as well

jonah: for like a week or sth we can have a takeover of our platform

peter: we can do a video interview or talk or sth

jonah: we should host a panel ourselves of minority voices within the lgbt community. i can message the politics society or something. 

anne: i’m in the DPOCA group i can message 

jonah: sounds good. it should be a priority over the summer.

amanda: next thing on the agenda is updates on east asian queer history talk. there hasn’t been much change, he hasn’t replied to me since thursday but he’s explained that there’ll be delays due to being back home. the plan is still to have his recorded talk uploaded then maybe 3-4 days after host a q&a

jonah: sounds good

amanda: also, just wanted to confirm, are we having a meet the exec with the q&a or will they be separate as it can be confusing

[decided that it should be separate and that meet meet the exec should happen next year instead]

jonah: finishing up the video, can post that alongside meet the exec

amanda: any other business?


amanda: end of meeting thank you everyone


minutes (22/6/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 22/6/20

Time: 11am

Location: Online



  1. Ben Tyerman

  2. Kate Hilton-Balfe

  3. Maria Kravchenko

  4. Stephen Lau

  5. Erica Chan

  6. Allen Drews

  7. Ariyike Oyelola

  8. Jonah Graham

  9. Fliss Barrows

  10. Megan Hogg 

  11. Amy Rees

  12. Scott McCarter 

  13. Peter Kissack

  14. Anne Sim

  15. Freddy Sperring

  16. Amanda Ong


  1. Olivia Gleave-Donlan

  2. Francesca Fiorentini

  3. Jai Bhardwaj


ben: handover meeting, who here doesn’t have the person that is succeeding them? 

[scott, megan, and fliss] 

amanda: this is just a general handover meeting, does anyone have any questions?

fliss: does anyone know who to send out the emails to for the parenting scheme? 

[unsure, to message kate]

jonah: when do we actually take over? 

amanda: officially after this meeting

jonah: a bit anticlimactic

ben: do you have any questions jonah? 

jonah: want to find a way to talk to the colleges

ariyike: i think kate made a group chat with the lgbt reps, so that will be a good place to start

ben: in terms of the exec, have you guys thought how things might run in the first term?

jonah: probably organize a meeting with a list of what we want to do

allen: we have to transfer the admin and facebook over, ben is the admin so you have to transfer over

ben: ok will do it, instagram can’t remember the password, but will try to find

amanda: is the president’s email still working?

ben: nope

amanda: okay, whoever takes over please change the email on facebook

jonah: will do

jonah: is there anything you want us to finish on? there was a welfare campaign

ben: yup, the mental health campaign and gn toilets

ariyike: there was a map made but there was an issue with anonymity, there was an initial writing for a petition and i emailed the staff lgbt rep but they never emailed back. allen said they know who it is and they do not reply to their email, so have to send to a separate email

allen: should we do an official farewell video? to say goodbye

jonah: can you sing us a song? 

allen: maybe a facebook post as well? 

fliss: a speech 

[ben gives a short speech]

ben: thanks so much, everyone has been a really good exec, sorry for being so scattered brain but thanks. you’ve all been really great. had great campaigns, socials, welfare, and great times. hope you guys have had fun and that it looks good on your cv

[end of speech]

amanda: also, another thing is i will be sending out the weekly email soon, does anyone want to include anything like a farewell speech or something because it’s pretty bare right now

ben: i will write a speech `

maria: will be good to add a helpline or sources

ariyike: some online lgbt events

maria: i’ve run some game events, so if you want some advice on how to do them over summer just message me

erica: also for campaigns if i wanna set up a team, if we could do an open zoom call to ask if they are interested so that they know that is happening

jonah: do we have to do a motion for that

amanda: do not think so, execs can create their own committees will check. also @erica, if you send the form to me i’ll attach it to the email

erica: okay

jonah: new exec to organize a new meeting in like a week’s time?


ben: old exec make sure you talk to the new exec, chat about the role and give some tips

manada: next on the agenda is the east asian queer history talk. currently the plan is there will be a 45 min talk, pre recorded, live q&a a few days after the event. time not confirmed as the person is having delays in recording due to being back home

jonah: is the talk audio or is there video as well? 

amanda: i think there will be video as they have some sort of notes, but will double check

ben: it’s been genuinely so lovely this year, and it’s been cut short, but i hope you guys have fun next year. hopefully we can have the lgbt fashion show

jonah: separate committee?

ben: yeah, amber was supposed to run it. but now we have a new committee that is under our jurisdiction.

jonah: who is incharge at the moment

ben: robin

fliss: try and get it to happen

jonah: if not, we can try to get something at a smaller scale

ben: jonah probably will be talking to the new welfare liberation, so euan. working with him and the other associations, try and keep in close contact with them

amanda: do we usually hold events over the summer

fliss: we did some last year

erica: we had board games and stuff and swada

maria: it will probably be easier to do it online, paid but not ridiculously expensive. if that is something you guys want to do then message me

amy: what campaigns did you run this year? 

stephen: mostly we did lgbt history month, mental health campaign, but hopefully we can continue that next year, but have to contact maria with the details as we wanted to collaborate with a few local organizations. for the gender neutral bathrooms, i don’t think we did it successfully. we made a map but i don’t think they carried forward that we would have GNB in every single college. but i’m not sure

ariyike: we has a list of which college had them and we emailed the welfare liberation and university staff but they didn’t really say anything

stephen: no responses as well. and i think we also did a few other campaigns, but cannot remember

[kate joins]

kate: so for the handover, we just need to do a document with passwords and everything right?


jonah: it’s been a privilege working after you guys!

[meeting ended]

08/06/20 - AGM

AGM minutes (08/06/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 08/06/20

Time: 11am

Location: Online



  1. Ben Tyerman

  2. Kate Hilton-Balfe

  3. Maria Kravchenko

  4. Francesca Fiorentini

  5. Allen Drews

  6. Erica Chan

  7. Stephen Lau

  8. Olivia Gleave-Donlan

  9. Amanda Ong


  1. Jonah Graham

  2. Emerson

  3. Megan Hogg

  4. Amy Rees

  5. Scott McCarter

  6. Peter Kissack

  7. Fliss Barrows

  8. Karl

  9. Charlie

  10. Anne Sim

  11. Freddy Sperring

  12. Skeena

  13. Alisa

  14. AJ

  15. Swan


  1. Ariyike Oyelola

  2. Jai Bhardwaj


ben: welcome to the agm, thank you all for coming on the xoom call, sorry it can’t be in person, hope everyone is keeping well and keeping safe and that exams are over. we’re looking forward to handing over, we’ve had a great year but yeah. so, amanda, what is the first order of business?

amanda: reports?

ben: i went to nus liberation conference, motions were passed for student mental health, racism in lgbt spaces, and for something else that i can’t remember, but if anyone wants to know you can message me and i’ll find out. not done a lot more, cause there is not much to do

kate: we have been working in the panel situation, allen and amanda have been involved. a collaboration with the union which is interesting, but they reached out to us and the lgbt rep from greys too, so we’ve had a discussion, and they’ve basically given us a platform

allen: it will be at 830 pm tomorrow, will be on lgbt activism, have sorted out a live broadcast on facebook

kate: have also sorted out confidentiality issues and safe space

allen: have also looked into trigger warnings, which maria is helping with

ben: great perfect to segway into how maria is doing?

maria: not much has happened, made new emails because the emails are not working, working on mental health campaign at the end of last term, but did not manage to do it, so if the incoming welfare officers want those, we will be happy to send it over

ben: fran?

fran: finances look good, 873 pounds leftover, there were no major expense, so we still have a lot of budget for next year

ben: stephen?

stephen: not much that has been done for the past few months because of the whole situation, but for the mental health campaign, there are a few contacts we can give as well if future members want. for the panel as well we can give some contacts

ben: great. erica?

erica: pretty much the same, not really able to do a social with everything. also, for anyone who has just joined, there is a google doc link in the zoom call for the upcoming post on blm and if anyone has feedback on phrasing or anything, i’m happy to take any editing suggestions

ben: great, that’s all for reports, we can move on

amanda: hustings [went over the general rules for hustings]

jonah:  i’m jonah, fourth year at VM, just came back from a year abroad, running for president because i feel that the association is really important because it helps other lgbt people. think i will be qualified as i have a kind, warm, good face for the association, good at public speaking, worked at fashion show, good under pressure, worked in exec before (assistant campaigns), did fundraising for mermaids, history month, and interviewed on stage for the fashion show. at the exec, everyone should help everyone, so i worked with other execs on many other projects as well. i felt i could have done more so during my year abroad i threw myself into more work. my main ideas are based stuff that can be done in isolation as well as regular life. to work with welfare for mental health, esp with isolation. want to finish the welfare campaign, get virtual socials, want to interview sexuality and gender professors to show to fellow lgbt+ people what they can do academia. envision the association as a platform for artistry, share more events on the association page to share everyone’s talent. i was part of a cabaret night, did poetry,, singing, drag, etc. would be good to have in durham as well so people can showcase their work with other groups as well, like the union. wish i had put more of this in the manifesto, but just learned about it: my privilege and need to tackle racism, interview people of color in durham to show their experiences, and campaign, module feedback.

[end of president husting]

fliss: i’m fliss, i’m going into fourth year, going to anthropology, running for vice president undergrad. start by talking about how much i love the lgbt association. came from a conservative place and to be able to step into my gender identity has been a wonderful experience. one of my roles as the vp is managing the parent-child scheme, which was really helpful for me when i first joined. the system really works, gives people an intro to the lgbt association. i was part of the exec, as the treasurer two years ago. aside from my role as treasurer, did a lot of work outside, the speedfriending event. also helped run the bookclub, helped sort it out. skeena did some great work on that. coming up to being vice president, will do parent-child, but also want to include people in the lgbt community society who may have been over-looked, bring a straight friend night. they find it really hard to come into the group, so that may be good as well.

[end of vice president undergrad hustings]

allen: i’m allen, i’m just finishing off masters at durham, starring phd will last for 4 years. undergraduate for germany, coming to the lgbt community was really opening, joined the book club, have been the postgraduate vp for the last term, was able to help organize a few things, like the events of the lgbt staff network, have a talk about one of the professors actually studying homsexuality which was good to do more talked with lgbt people in academia, like jonah said. really enjoyed being an exec member, more things that we could do, make more campaigns for welfare.

[end of vice president postgrad hustings]

[forgot to do questions, backtracking]

kate: question for the president, the role is quite a big commitment, how will you manage your time?

jonah: i am a final year, i have quite a lot on, last year at my year abroad i managed to juggle a much bigger workload, if i could have a weekend to do the work i’m sure i’ll be able to do it

[end of question]

scott: hi i’m scott, second year computer scientist, though i have been in durham for 4 years now, found the lgbt association has really helped me open up and be myself, want to give something back and the role is a good way of doing that. why i’m good for the role; study computer sciences, good with numbers and detail orientated. live with fran (current finance officer) so know first hand about what goes into the role. also for any member of the exec, it is good to be friendly and sociable and i feel that i am so. my plans will depend on the state of things come next year, fundings may be affected by the virus, but as fran mentioned, it hopefully won't be too big an issue with the leftover budget, and will also be an issue of social events and relocating, possible virtual events. thanks and vote for me please.

[end of finance officer hustings]

ben: to clarify, when you do go for a role for the exec and get into, you have to go to the meeting once a week, about an hour. not just a question for scott, but making it clear for everyone that there are time commitments for everyone. one hour a week but sometimes more.

peter: Hi everyone. My name’s Peter, and my pronouns are he/him. I’m a maths student, going into my third year of four, and I’ve spent the last year as asexual and aromantic rep for the association, running the A Alliance group. Although I’ll freely admit I’m not the world’s greatest social sec, the most rewarding parts of the role for me have been having one-on-one conversations, listening to the needs of the community, ensuring representation and helping to create a space for people like me to come together.

In the welfare role, I aim to be approachable and recognisable to the community. I aim to work with the publicity and media officer to ensure welfare resources and drop-in times have the maximum reach possible via our social media. I would also like to experiment with using video content to engage the community - whether this be discussion panels on campaign topics or updates on the work we’re doing.

I also aim to help increase representation of our minorities-within-minorities caucuses - encouraging people to take up the representative positions and providing support for these roles; ensuring that some work is done in areas where rep positions are not filled; as well as working with other exec roles to ensure that we are representative of our whole community as much as possible in everything that we do.

I also aim to ensure, on a welfare level, that we are as engaged as possible with college LGBT+ reps and welfare systems. While it is good that students have a choice of people to turn to, we should be united in our aims of supporting the wellbeing of LGBT+ students and I would love to work together with them and support them in their efforts to achieve this.

On a final note, this year we have of course had to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. Whether or not we are able to return to normal routines before the start of Epiphany term, our circumstances will doubtless be out of the ordinary as we begin to come back towards our usual routines. Whatever the situation in Michaelmas and beyond, I will look into the best ways to support students who are not able to show up to the association room in person, including options for hosting drop-ins remotely.

[end of welfare officer husting]

maria: quite a common problem is maintaining boundaries, people calling you at 3am or in a nightclub and people asking for welfare advice.

peter: if people call at an inappropriate time, will make sure to schedule them at a proper time. have had issues in the past, will arrange another time to talk, do not think there will be too much of an issue.

allen: what about your role as the ace/aro rep?

peter: planning to continue it, but if anything will pass on

[end of questions for welfare officer]

amy: study french/spanish, on a year abroad. would like to do this role because it is impt to have a strong lgbt community. why is this role important to me? It is extremely important for me that we have a strong and inclusive LGBT+ association and community within Durham University. I will work to make sure that every student feels they have support if they require it, and so that the events run by association are accessible to all.In my second year I was part of Cuth’s Welfare Committee – where I gained experience planning and organising campaigns on a range of issues related to welfare. During my involvement with the welfare team (which had excellent leadership that year), I was able to identify what is required to run an effective welfare team, whilst also noting issues that arose. ideas; clear communication, college lgbt rep, minority reps, and indiv students. will be in place from the start of the year. will ensure everything is inclusive for all minorities. have clear communications with the college reps to work towards ways for improvement. transparency: clear documents so everyone is aware of what is, condom card signup, work with lgbt reps 

emerson: i really care about the community, care about it when i started two years ago, founded the a-alliance with maria because we saw the need for the social and welfare role. first year hatfield i was the junior lgbt rep and helped to make hatfield more safe. really enjoyed the welfare aspects of all these jobs and want to give back. make a system of drop in over the internet so that people do not have to display their names or faces, so they can still be heard without being outed, another level of anonymity. as a minority myself i want to help other minorities within the lgbt community be heard and seen throughout. to create a messaging system so that the welfare can be contacted, work with college welfare teams, esp for those without lgbt reps so that they can signpost people to us but also so they can have 

[end of hustings for acting assistant welfare officer]

maria: similar questions to peter, how are you personally deal with boundaries? guilt and etc?

amy: to maintain boundaries personally, i will create a document which will explain what the welfare officer does and when we can be contacted, include a list of places you can contact (nightline, etc) for those who require support but not at a time that we can be contacted. an issue is having boundaries within friends, but that is separate. but will be clear about when we can be contacted and to deal with the guilt, it will just be a matter of knowing - for example - during socials, perhaps have a rota of execs staying sober during socials so that there are people available for people to talk, and make that knowledge known

emerson: will be honest with them and say that it is not the welfare hours and i will not be able to help, will show them resources, if we can set up the messaging system and people can get back to them at a later time, or giving them other numbers to call. unless it was an absolute emergency (i.e. suicidal) there will be boundaries set in order to ensure that i take care of my own mental health 

[end of questions for acting assistant welfare officer]

[had elections for acting, amy was elected]

freddy: i’m freddy, they/them. want to say how amazing everyone’s plans or manifesto are. bi and from lanchester. in second year. before coming to durham, i was unsure about gender and sexuality, but it has helped here, great moment from when i come into the college and they gave me a pronoun badge, i have been the non-binary rep. will be a good social sec, good to plan events, have worked at a bar, which is how most people know me, and could also be good for helpings with the socials. three categories of social; chill events like game nights, cozy meetings where we just meet up and chat, diff from formal meetings just to see how people are doing. second type: loud and proud events: karaoke etc, dance events, open mic nights, other things that have happened in the past, bar crawl. final: inspiring events: time to learn and grow as a community, done by our last year social sec, how being lgbt is an experience, making links with the other associations, ted talks, poetry slams and art shows.

[end of hustings for the social sec]

jonah: It would be really nice to have an event at the end of third term, do you have any ideas about what the event could be?

freddy: art showcase, like a talent show but not a competition, more to enjoy, open mic, bands with lgbt members, if anyone has anything else, i’ll be open to it. but a like showcase of performance. but also more of stationary art like paintings, sculptures, etc

[end of questions for the social sec]

erica: second year at vm, social sec for lgbt for the previous year, this year want to run for campaigns. three main ideas 1) slightly change the way we run campaign, form a committee of volunteers from the community to help run, will be good for us to do more for campaigns and share the workload, prev has done a fantastic job, but with more people we can get more done and get the word out, also have more ideas on how to run things better. 2) focus on intersectionality, obviously there is no monolith if lgbt experiences and there are a lot of things that intersect with our identity and in order to support everyone we need to be more aware, like our race, our neurotypicality, our, so we can be a better community for each other and not just having the cishet people understand us. esp with the view of the lgbt community being for only white gay people. 3) similar to what freddy mentioned, introduce a creative showcase because the way our community tends to meet is through the socials and it will be good to showcase the talent.

[end of hustings for the campaigns officer]

stephen: about the intersectionality, there is something i wanted to do this year, but i don’t think i did it right, about the point you mentioned about being more inclusive, how would you do that in terms of making sure everyone feels included at social events?

erica: firstly, i know intersectionality can be vague and broad, which is why the committee would be able to help. but one idea is that we need to start changing the face that we present and speak more openly about intersectionality in our social media and events, one things i realized last year is that people are not comfortable coming to big events because they don’t know who is coming, so working with the minority within minority groups would be easier so they once they know the community is there they can feel more comfortable coming to the events.

[end of questions for the campaigns officer]

anne: hi i’m anne, i’m a second year and i do anthro/socio and i’m from trevs. my main idea is getting rid of gendered dress codes at formals and balls, because i think it is really unnecessary and exclusionary to gender non-conforming people, they don’t stop it, but people are not sure if they actually can do it. also want more publicity and awareness for gender neutral bathrooms, because though they exist people are unaware of where they are. also to implement them in other places, especially in places that people use more and in more prominent areas. work more on mental health, esp at this point in time. more intersectionality and inclusion, durham uni has inclusivity in a v token way, and even the association has a “white lgbt” people image and people don’t get involved because of that. share work from lgbt people, communicate more with the poc association to have talks.

[end of hustings for the assistant campaigns officer]

megan: hello, i’m megan, i’m from cuths, going into 4th year, studying language. a lot of people don’t know me because i’m on my year abroad, have been an lgbt rep, and done PR from my year abroad and want to make that useful. ideas are based around the uncertainty of the situation, so more things we can do online, work on relaunching our instagram and twitter. showcase things that we made ourselves. make more content with the welfare officer. intro college reps and exec members on social media so that new freshers can find the people we need. do some nice graphics for events, make welfare drop-ins graphics so that it is more obvious. i want to do this as i’ve never really done it before, it has come a long way since i was a fresher and i want to contribute to it and give back. as erica said, making things more intersectional

[end of hustings for the publicity and media officer] 

maria: as part of the role we have to check messages on the facebook page, have people asking about legal asylums and dissertation requests, things we cannot deal with, how will you work with this?

megan: to have clear boundaries, state what we cannot do and be quite honest about this, have a set response that can be tailored to different situations, be honest and transparent in a polite way.

ben: will have to answer like 5 things a week, and you’ll just have to say “no sorry”.

[end of questions for the publicity and media officer]

[end of hustings, break for 5 mins]

running for position of reps

peter: i’ve been the ace and aro rep since december, it’s a project i really care about and a community i really enjoy, and i would like to do 

[peter elected as ace/aro rep]

freddy: running to keep non-binary rep, would balance it with the social sec position should i get in, had a plan there would be lots of events for the non-binary people and scheduling for times when we will be back and had a load of stuff for this term but it couldn’t happen, so next year we would have more events

[freddy elected as non-binary rep]

amanda: next is the ratification of policies. what we have currently is the safe space policy and confidentiality policy, does anyone need me to reiterate what they are?


amanda: is everyone ok with ratifying them?

[affirmed, policies ratified]

amanda: handover discussion?

allen: when the voting is done, we can make another post to do handover

kate: will be better when we actually know who it is

ben: no other orders of business? 


ben: thank you everyone for coming, that is the end of the AGM!

  • please note that for some of the hustings recorded are not a perfect copy of what the candidates said, some are more detailed as certain candidates wrote down a speech beforehand and were kind enough to send them over. therefore, please do not take the recorded hustings as a complete reflection of the candidates words, it is only the gist of what they said

  • also, the steering officer was not able to record her own manifesto and did not write a script beforehand and apologizes for this


pre-AGM minutes (08/06/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 08/06/20

Time: 10:15 am

Location: Online



  1. Ben Tyerman

  2. Kate Hilton-Balfe

  3. Maria Kravchenko

  4. Francesca Fiorentini

  5. Allen Drews (he/they)

  6. Erica Chan

  7. Amanda Ong


  1. Jonah Graham (he/him)

  2. Emerson (he/him)

  3. Megan Hogg (she/her)

  4. Amy Rees (she/her)

  5. Scott McCarter (he/him)

  6. Peter (he/him)

  7. Fliss (they/them)

  8. Karl (he/him)


  1. Ariyike Oyelola

  2. Olivia Gleave-Donlan

  3. Jai Bhardwaj

  4. Stephen Lau


ben: agendas? 

fran: no one has been spending any money, but if anyone has any refunds they can inform me. need to do my own refunds

erica: has put the stuff from the infographic into a plain text so people can read them more easily, wrote a draft for the facebook past, let me know if there is anything that needs to be edited

allen: looks good, a bit long can put in separate posts

allen: panel discussion, went quite well, able to broadcast, can keep safe space and confedentiality

ben: not much to say

[issue with feedback on mic]

ben: went to NUS liberation conference, was the LGBT core person, didn’t say anything. alot of people, motions passed, e.g. improve mental health support for lgbt people. went to assembly a few weeks ago

allen: did anyone get back about elections

ben: yup, but hasn’t really gone anywhere, the discussion has stilted, but will carry on with it, but DSU is a bit stressed on the moment

maria: could we do a google form for the elections?

allen: less anonymous but it might work

ben: anything else? amanda anything interesting?

amanda: not really, no motions

ben: wanted to do the quoracy thing, but forgot

emerson: wanted to recommend all rep teams have pronoun badges, unless they have v good reasons, but didn’t know if that was something that was sth the association would do 

allen: for today, we can put our pronouns in the our name on zoom

ben: we don’t have any jurisdiction over other colleges, but we can recommend to the colleges

emerson: contacted a few people, jobo gets it embroidered, other hill colleges do that as well, but colleges don’t want to “force” others

ben: maybe we can encourage people. good idea, something we can recommend to the colleges

ben: any other suggestions? anything to chat about? 

allen: peter? for work about the ace association, anything to change

peter: not really, but i did not do enough socials last term

emerson & maria: you did a wonderful job

erica: for the infographics, do we have insta? cause we can post it there too, ace and non-binary has and i was gonna ask them if they wanted to post it there

ben: contact with our publicity and media officer (liv) and get in contact with her

erica: does anyone actually follow / know the account? 

fliss: had a question for kate, but they are not here. general: need to know the college people for the parent/child thing and other vice pres stuff, so if anyone has any contacts, please send them to me

ben: will do, and talk to kate about it, though they have had some issues with the reps over the year

amanda: re-registration?

ben: have to fill out a massive form that they’ll send around july/august and the president fills it out and sends it out, will need to do it then


amanda: hustings later? do i type everything down? 

ben: just get the gist of it

[kate joins]

ben: kate anything to report?

allen: erica and maria had questions

[break to look at erica’s document on the chat]

jonah: question about hustings, timing how will it work? 

ben: person timing can wave

amanda: yup, will wave at the 1 min mark

ben: @erica looks good!

erica: if anyone has anything else to add / say please do

allen: you have put a text that says images?

erica: yup that’s just the graphics, this is just a plain text version for accessibility

ben: we have 10 mins to the AGM, we can take a break till then

[end meeting]


minutes (12/5/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 12/5/20

Time: 6:20 pm

Location: Online



  1. Ben Tyerman

  2. Kate Hilton-Balfe

  3. Maria Kravchenko

  4. Francesca Fiorentini

  5. Allen Drews

  6. Olivia Gleave-Donlan

  7. Amanda Ong


  1. Erica Chan

  2. Stephen Lau

  3. Jai Bhardwaj

  4. Ariyike Oyelola


ben: need to work out how to hand over and elect people

allen: how did it work last year?

ben: voted to have online elections, but that was gotten rid of last election, president was elected online but every other role is in person

fran: can choose if online or in person? unsure, but unprecedented times it is unlikely that it will be too strict

ben: who will be here next term?

[maria, allen, and amanda affirmed]

ben: first need to work out how to switch over, have asked the other association presidents but have not gotten a reply, there is an online assembly at some point

online elections the last time were through the dsu website, may do that again, not sure

maria: but presumably, best not to have it in a private call as it may be accused of being undemocratic

fran: online without even a hust might be best, maybe type out a hust cause not everyone is going to be able to do a recording, do a bog sheet (manifesto)

[break to discuss manifestos in different colleges]

ben: usually elections are held online, only vote in your own association

kate: should probably make clear about that fact

allen: who from the dsu do we have to contact?

ben: amelia? if not, we'll contact jon. could ask sam how it was done last year

allen: sam was president last year?

ben: yes they were. we’re in an unprecedented times we can just do it online, should not be any backlash

fran: at the most we could even elect standing positions and have an election later

kate: reps? maybe no reps until people elect them

ben: what are the exec positions

[listed following the constitution]

allen: is liv leaving? she has to transfer all the social media accounts

ben: how is welfare @maria

maria: last thing we posted was mental health campaign, left them my email and they responded which is good, not very active, might be a good idea to create new accounts next year because the current ones are not working

ben: agreed, mine is not working as well, have to make new accounts

kate: would we make them durham accounts?

maria: current ones are gmail

kate: gmail stopped working

ben: make new ones

amanda: need to update the emails on facebook

fran: yes, facebook, website, and business cards

allen: fran you have the financial details?

fran: yes, do not have access to the bank accounts, just issue refunds, will write a document for the replacement

[break to discuss finance]

ben: we have quite a lot left over to hand over to the next exec

ben: next thing, online elections will message sam and amelia to see what’s going on, will message the association group chat as well, have a liberation conference on zoom will discuss more about that when there are more details

[break to discuss conference]

ben: what can we do online? just what maria is doing

maria: yup, will get the email down

ben: yup

ben: general housekeeping?

kate: before we handover, we need to make a what is the role kinda thing

ben: yup will do that

kate: and try and publicize it a lot since now people have more time and will run for more things

kate: also is there anything we can do after exams? there was an online osbournes?

fran: yeah

ben: we can advertise an online exam

kate: something to celebrate end of exams


[liv joins]

ben: [recap of what we’ve discussed]

liv: did the SU have a vote for elections online?

ben: yes, and they got of rid of it

[break to discuss assembly]

ben: does anyone have anything else to mention?


[break to discuss haircuts]

ben: liv is there anything? have we had any facebook messages?

kate: someone asked us to share sth, we said we would but forgot

ben: forgot, but will share

kate: we can share it now

ben: does anyone know anyone who wants to run for the role?

fran: may know of one person but not sure

ben: ok, so we will do online elections

[break to discuss tea]

[end of meeting]


minutes (10/3/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 10/3/20

Time: 6pm

Location: Association Room, DSU



  1. Ben Tyerman

  2. Kate Hilton-Balfe

  3. Maria Kravchenko

  4. Stephen Lau

  5. Jai Bhardwaj

  6. Erica Chan

  7. Allen Drews

  8. Olivia Gleave-Donlan

  9. Ariyike Oyelola

  10. Amanda Ong


  1. Francesca Fiorentini


ben: campaigns and updates and progress

stephen: doing a mental health campaign w maria

maria: contacted RT, meeting them tomorrow to get advice for a session, sent a report to stephen

ben: so the campaign focus is on mental health?


ari: petition sent but it has a few holes, would like to edit it and add the notes

ari: the note about tim is to try and get a reply from him for proof of the lgbt staff support

ben: sounds good

allen: when do you wanna do the campaign? before or after the break?

maria: perhaps before the break, should be doable, maybe next week, or maybe during the exams to de-stress

ben: do you want to repost the links for estranged

maria: maybe to organize something @erica

jai: a group chat maybe

ben: fashion show updates

kat: have casted, went to meeting, had a decent gender balance (trans and non-binary), looks like a relatively diverse group of people, made sure that there was a good range of gender ba;ance, is all good

ben: fashion show seems to be doing well and in order

[break to discuss fashion show] 

ben: just need to check in and make sure it's going well

ben: socials?

erica: posted the events, money for the bubble tea? society will give thirty free bubble teas

ben: why are they argganing this?

erica: to get promotion for their store i think, thirty should be more than enough as not so many usually people show up, but it is from all of their generally budget

ben: very nice of them

liv: promote the free aspect

jai: maybe the first twenty people

erica: they have to order the bubble tea beforehand then bring it down since we’re having it at the SU

allen: how will people order it?

erica: the shop will order beforehand and bring it, just the general bubble tea

[break to discuss lactose intolerance and cheese]

ben: so the social is underway?

erica: should be fine, but just had to check with the exec

kate: should we do half and half or something like that?

erica: will check with fran

ben: postgrad social?

allen: has been shared with ustinov and another college, chill talking 

erica: probably won’t be another social for the last week

maria: might do one though for mental health

erica: do you need the rest of the craft stuff

maria: will let you know

ben: abortion controvesy

maria: the message that we got on facebook

ben: DUCK listed student’s life as a feminist organization

ben: what is their general im? providing contraception or just against abortion?

maria: will check

ben: if their aim is to provide accessible contraception it could be justifiable, why did they involve us?

maria: [reads out the aim and objective of the durham life organization] i think they did it because they wanted to be politically correct

ben & liv: why ar ethey on the feminist list though, it is completely contradictory

jai: maybe it was a misunderstanding with their name

allen: should we get back to nancy to sign?

maria: she wants a group chat to draft it

kate: will be very happy to do that, want to be careful about the gendered aspect of drafting the petition

ben: did a vote ages ago to do a pro-choice stance but i do not think it passed, maybe sign the petition but don’t start too much beef

[break to discuss the association]

allen: so kate will join the group chat?


ben: jude’s message

maria: jude messaged on the page

allen: he is the working class rep for butlers and they want to plan future events, cross association quiz nights, do we want to collab? 

ben: what does that entail?

allen: would mean that we host a round for the quiz

ben: tentatively saying yes

jai: international association will also likely get involved, will try to 

allen: kate will answer?


ben: @ liv replying to messages

liv: will get on it immediately

ben: is the facebook admin, will add people to the facebook so they can control

ben: is on the high table for cuth’s pride formal as a rep

allen: should we post a statement that we do not post surveys as people keep sending in surveys

kate: esp cause it’s survey time

ben: will post a small paragraph

liv: will do it

ben: website? do we need to do anything

maria: jai will do something, but no rush

jai: agreed

ben: did the person send over the blog notes?

liv: yes

allen: welfare distribution system

maria: yes, but no one is requesting

kate: does it have a permanent place on the website?

maria: have added it into the drop down bar

ben: there has been an issue with people asking for things but not using it when it is given

liv: posting on the grindur page gives it more momentum 

maria: assembly what are the motions?

ben: censure outcome (kate did not leave her job), workers rights in higher education (ben agrees with this), community engagement (durham su to close the divide of durham locals and the students - ben agrees), procedure for allocating delegates for nus meetings 

kate: do we not already do that?

ben: they got rid of the lgbt one

kate: they scrapped a lot of them

ben: [continuing the motion readings] open rep places elected by cross campus ballet (ben is against this)

[break to discuss this motion]

maria: thinks we should do cross campus ballet

kate: but the issue it can result in a popularity vote

jai: also the issue of controversy and things like RON

ben: will listen to the arguments and see from there

ben: [continuing] getting digitally up to date (if argued well will vote for it)

liv: the su website is not good so it could be good


ben: remove officer and committee and association updates from committee, do not understand the point of this

ben: will probably vote against that

[break to discuss previous assemblies]

ben: need to start thinking about elections, need to give warning

maria: before or after the exams

ben: won’t it be late?

liv: there are people who are coming back from abroad

maria: but people are also leaving early

[break to discuss previous elections]

ben: is tuesday better for people? would next tuesday be better?


[end of meeting]


minutes (2/3/20) 

LGBT+ Association Meeting

Date: 2/3/20

Time: 6pm

Location: Association Room, DSU



  1. Ben Tyerman

  2. Kate Hilton-Balfe

  3. Maria Kravchenko

  4. Francesca Fiorentini

  5. Stephen Lau

  6. Jai Bhardwaj

  7. Erica Chan

  8. Amanda Ong


  1. Allen Drews

  2. Ariyike Oyelola

  3. Olivia Gleave-Donlan


ben: @ erika how is socials doing?

erika: none in the past two weeks, more minority socials?

maria: someone mentioned in a drop in

kate: mentioned in a feedback form as well

erica: easiest to start a social in a group, will ask in the nb chat

ben: allen is planning a postgrad social

erica: maybe two or three groups on the same day, book kingsgate (maybe people can walk between the groups)

maria: last year there was joint social

kate: it was sent in the chat that anna is the new nb rep, but they are not

erica: would it be weird to do it with the bimo group chat? would try to get a social by next weekend

maria: wlw chat wanted to do a speed dating separate from the association

[break to discuss the pronunciation of wlw]

ben: someone wanted bame social

erica: from the survey, but allen said survey only had 13 responses

jai: but that has always been a thing, we can reach out and ask

erica: there is a poc chat, but it’s dead

ben: person of faith chat is the same

jai: chats have all devolved into memes

jai: should we do another karaoke?

ben: we could

fran: glow event? is it too short notice

ben: possible, test the waters

erica and kate: how to plan a glow? 

ben: have to ask sam how to plan

kate: get sam to send a step by step

ben: amanda updates?

amanda: email still has issues, library would like to update on websites

stephen: planning on doing more campaigns, from survey people think there are not enough campaigns, maybe collab with international students asoc but still thinking

ben: what to base it on?

stephen: maybe different cultures, but still need more time. also mental health campaign

ben: when is it being planning

maira: first trying to get information, hopefully by the end of the week. trying to do posters, where people can express themselves in art

jai: a mental health charity project does that, will send maria the link

maria: looking at free reports on mental health for lgbt, there is some on stonewall

erica: reminds me, the stuff we had for the information at kingsgate, where is it? possibly could bring to a social

kate: not sure where it is, will look for it

ben: possibly to consult allen

[break to discuss about the snow]

ben: how is welfare going

jai: had an international festival with a pride table (how different cultures show pride) → could be a nice happy campaign to counter all the depressing stuff

ben: there are quite a few international students on the exec


maria: people have coming in to welfare, bringing an ally with you event has been helpful for people who are still closeted

[break to discuss]

jai: get the reps and small groups to organize their things and erica can over see it, can have a chill social to bring an ally over coffee or something

erica: so minority within minority stuff would have to be settled within them?

jai: instead of an intense social, just a coffee, then have a separate actual big social

[break to discuss pronunciation of mlm]

jai: want a bring an ally social, helpful for closeted people

erica: so we’ll focus on that first

maria: people have asked for a lot of stuff on the website, has been a lot of work, so will probs do mental health campaign first

maria: we can put the estranged student poster up first, the going home for christmas one

[break to discuss past issues]

ben: onto kate

kate: tried to get college reps to gather but no one showed up

[break to discuss cakes]

ben: it’s ok, at least you tried

kate: rep chats is kicked up because a member of the association wanted a caucus thing

ben and jai: do not understand

jai: you’re the liaison with the jcr and being only voted in by your minority whilst if the rest of the jcr didn’t like them, would not listen

kate: trying to do something else

maria: can they not do an online vote? all the exces, non-exces, then please vote for someone if you identify with them or something like that

[break to discuss elections]

ben: college reps can do their thing

kate: we tried, but was not able to set up a meeting even though it is supposed to be a once a term meeting, tried to make it informal

ben: but you may have to force them

kate: may bribe them with food

[break to discuss snacks]

ben: moving on

kate; fashion show is having a good time, should we ask if we should have any say in the model, may be controversial if cannot get a diverse range

ben: maybe one of us should go to castings

kate: want to, but never met any of them

ben: the fashion show seems to be selling out, is it the associations fashion show? it seems to be our fashion show, but it is supposed to be a sub committee?

kate: we need to go to casting

[break to discuss fashion show]

ben: kate what next?

kate: will probs message and have some say in the casting, maybe a list of the models or sth to avoid controversy

fran: can ask who they are planning on?

erica: can ask what the criteria is?

ben: about 80 people have signed up, maybe 20 walks with 10 people in each walk, reusing people

[break to do math about the number of people working]

ben: anything else?

stephen: GNB map?

kate: tried to make one, sent to frank (trans person president) but never got back to them

jai: will send a reminder, on the exec so will try to bring it up on a meeting

ben: has meetings been regular?

jai: there has been a break in meetings

[break to discuss elections]

mari: the minority within minority to expand

kate: refer to allen

ben: do we need a disclaimer?

kate: was a separate point, will be useful to see how many people identify with what minority so that we can cater to them

ben: has the list been updated on the website?

kate: no

ben: finance?

fran: coffers looking good. around 870 sth pounds, have reimbursed everyone, but will double check

[break to discuss drinks and clubs]

ben: been to meetings about lgbt issues, they are with people in the dsu and people in social sciences to talk about lgbt representation, been doing those kind of things, having an assembly at some point

jai: what they did not do last assembly will roll over, a complaint about something

ben: deleted a post from durham lgbt association that was made by someone else

maria: jon snow is doing something, he for she society is messaging for a drag event 

ben: has liv been responding to messages

maria: not yet

erica: bubble tea wants to do a speed dating social

kate: can it be something other than speed dating? 

[break to discuss bubble tea]

ben: will mention to liv about responding to messages

erica: should i message the bubble tea place? will DM the person

maria: duck is doing lgbt swap

ben: there is a lack of interest, need to publicize it

[break to discuss spags and socials]

ben: wrap it up, don’t worry about things going ahead, we’re all busy 

[meeting adjourned at 6:46pm]


Ben: TGM soon! Plan that some time this week. Calls for motions.

Fran: No finance stuff. No new refunds. Need to get leaflets refunded.

Allen: Met with Stephen earlier – current campaigns:

-          Anti-racism, DPoCA

o   They want us to give them ideas

o   They will put up pics of poc lgbt+ students

o   Experiences in Durham of lgbt+ poc

o   Anonymous/Not is chill

o   PoC in lgbt+ history

o   Ask trans association about posters

o   Want a panel/talks

§  Professor Santiago Hernandes??? (queer Spanish films)

§  Anthropology society – Uganda (during history month)

§  Tim Bucklet?? LGBT+ staff network, library, some role in bullying and harassment support, what is the uni doing about that? – Q&A open panel

§  External speaker – Northumbria uni/ Newcastle, we can pay for them

§  Sam is running a liberate my library campaign to get work and literature by underrepresented groups, ask Sam about talking on the panel

-          Mental health, SWDA

o   Maria is in contact with SWDA

o   More to come next week

-          International queer students campaign, including postgrads, later in the year

Stevo is lgbt+ formal 28th feb

Marys wants to do something with people of faith

Collab more with colleges in feb

CU is having a potentially controversial speaker – go and ask questions

Controversy break

Union is having a terf event


Wednesday – board games night, maybe ask board games society

Next week: no plans, maybe get a postgrad coffee morning, sat 1st 10.30am-12.30?, if no room then next week

Valentines card making, 9th feb

Speed friending during liberation week (afternoon/before osbournes) x2

Karaoke – Monday in feb

Open mic in w/c 10th feb – might need auditions